Thursday, May 26, 2011

Glen Innes Rally Report

Fifteen Vans travelled to Glen Innes, most staying for 5 t0 7 days to attend the Celtic Festival in and around the City Centre and the Standing Stones overlooking the Town. This was the ' year of the Irish' and was a colourful event including Scottish and Irish Bagpipe Bands, Irish Dancing and numerous demonstrations such as caber tossing, sheep dog trials, concerts, bush poets and market stalls ( which the girls enjoyed ). The shops in town weren't missed either with a few proud purchases made, to cater for the cooler weather.
The weather was cool and generally fine, with only a few light sprinkles on one day. Keith and Annette Clarke's van became 'happy hour central' with the extension of two shelters and a much welcome and appreciated fire.
All agreed it was a happy Rally and thanks to all those that contributed to its success.

Cheers. Don and Rhonda.

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